What is Ear Reshaping surgery?
Ear reshaping surgery, or otoplasty, is performed when a patient is uncomfortable with the size and/or shape of one or both ears. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Todd C. Rau in Redlands, California, administers ear reshaping treatments for qualifying patients.
Benefits of Ear Reshaping Surgery
Most often, patients are interested in getting an otoplasty when they feel that their ears are too large, stick out too far, or are otherwise disproportionate to the rest of the face. With ear reshaping surgery, Dr. Rau can do one or more of the following for your ears:
Reduce their overall size
“Pin” them back
Correct misshapen folds or other features
Make them more symmetrical in appearance to each other
An otoplasty will not move the location of the ears. It will also not affect your hearing.
Who is a Candidate for an Otoplasty?
This surgery is often performed on children after their ears are grown, or on adults who never “grew into” their larger ear size. The patient’s unflattering ear dimensions may be congenital or injury-related. Electing to receive treatment should be a voluntary decision for both the patient and their parents (if the patient is a minor).
The Otoplasty Procedure
Your ear reshaping procedure will be completed with the aid of anesthesia to make sure you are comfortable. The incision is made just behind the ear, right where it joins to the head. Dr. Rau removes the cartilage and skin necessary to achieve your desired result. Sometimes, he shapes the cartilage of the ear and pins it into place using permanent sutures.
In some cases, Dr. Rau does not remove any cartilage. He just uses stitches to hold the cartilage in place. During the healing process, sutures hold the cartilage in the desired shape after Dr. Rau has sculpted it.
What Happens During Otoplasty Recovery?
Once your procedure is complete, bandages will be placed over your ears to keep them clean and help them maintain their new shape. Dr. Rau will remove the bandages during your post-operative appointment. The exact length of your recovery period will vary depending on the particular alterations made during your surgery.
Until then, please do not subject your ears to excessive force or motion so they can heal properly (and try not to scratch them). To make this easier, we recommend wearing button-down shirts or outfits with a loose-fitting collar. You should also avoid sleeping on your side.
Schedule Your Ear Reshaping Consultation
If you’re interested in ear reshaping in Redlands, CA, Dr. Todd C. Rau would love to meet with you to evaluate your candidacy. The otoplasty is a highly personalized procedure, so the specifics of your potential surgery will need to be mapped out during a thorough and informative consultation. Contact us today at Rau Plastic Surgery to get started!
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