Redlands, California, plastic surgeon Dr. Todd C. Rau is experienced in helping patients achieve a more refined and aesthetically pleasing shape. He performs liposuction, tummy tucks, and other body contouring procedures.
Understanding Body Procedures
Body plastic surgery is generally performed to reduce or eliminate loose, hanging skin as well as to lift and tighten certain bodily features for a more youthful appearance. These symptoms an occur due to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or other causes.
Body Procedures We Offer
At Rau Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Rau and our highly regarded, friendly staff will be more than happy to discuss the various body procedures we offer. These include:
Hanging skin on the upper arms can be a cosmetic and functional concern. Dr. Rau will remove and readjust skin and tissue for a smoother look.
A body lift is a customized, multistep procedure used to eliminate the excess skin that can occur after significant weight loss. Treatment areas typically include the abdomen, buttocks, and back.
A small amount of unnecessary fat is taken from elsewhere on the body (like the thighs or abdomen) and then added to the buttocks for a lifted appearance.
Small amounts of isolated fat tissue can be removed from various areas of the body for an improved physique. This minimally invasive treatment is performed with only tiny incisions and is often combined with the options below.
The mommy makeover is a combination approach where Dr. Rau utilizes multiple cosmetic procedures simultaneously to help women rejuvenate their bodies after pregnancy.
A thigh lift improves skin tightness on the lateral (outer) thighs, medial (inner) thighs, or both.
During a tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Rau eliminates the flab or bulge in your abdominal region and tightens the underlying muscles for a toned midriff. The incision is made along the bikini line, hidden from view.
Who Can Benefit From Body Procedures?
Body contouring surgery is often an excellent choice for men and women who are already at or near a healthy body weight and can maintain a positive lifestyle of diet and exercise. These procedures are not designed for significant weight loss. Women who are planning on having more children will be advised to wait until their families are complete before undergoing body plastic surgery. This is because pregnancy and breastfeeding can reverse your treatment results.
How Much Does Body Contouring Surgery Cost?
Each patient will have an individualized treatment plan, which affects the total price. The exact cost of your care strategy will be calculated based on the procedures selected, anesthesia fees, and other patient-specific details.
Schedule Your Body Procedure Consultation
During your initial consultation about body procedures in Redlands, Dr. Rau will carefully examine your symptoms and ask questions about your aesthetic goals. From there, he will recommend a comprehensive treatment plan that may include one or more of the procedures discussed above. To learn more about them and see which ones you qualify for, get in touch with Rau Plastic Surgery today.